The health of our base chakra is truly dependent on our connection with nature, our true home.
Nature provides us with grounding, stability, foundation, nourishment and a motherly touch. When we have a strong connection with nature; all that exists in the flow of the world around us, it is likely we will have a strong base chakra.
A Balanced Root Chakra is characterised by:
A connection to nature and the seasons, trust in the flow of things, in tune with the feminine, nourishment, vitality, giving, grounded, ability to be still & find inner peace, joy, ability to be, at home & at peace.
When the Root Chakra is imbalanced you may experience:
Insecurity, disconnect from nature, low energy, depletion of energy, anger, need for constant stimulation, inability to trust, pessimism, resistance, worry about money, lack mindset, feeling unsettled
The way we currently live in the world naturally disrupts our connection to nature, and thus most people would have signs of imabalance. Here are a few ways to bring it back into balance:
Grow food and plants in your garden
Find a quiet sit spot in nature and observe it
Create a compost or worm farm
Walk barefoot on the earth
Eat root vegetables
Use essential oils and crystals that are grounding
Embrace your inner feminine
Find stillness in chaos
- Cultivate a home or space that nourishes your soul
May you always be supported in every moment