Your Eyes and your Digestive Function

The eye is the gatekeeper for visual perception. It is a powerful sensory organ that holds the map to the rest of your body. Each of us have a completely unique iris and the patterns which make it up tell the story of us.

Iridology - reading the eye - is a powerful way to understand what is going on in the body so that we can help to heal it.

The Iris is comprised of three main sections: Pupil, Pupillary Zone and Ciliary zone. Refer to the image below 


This week we are looking at the pupillary zone and how it’s colouring is connected to the digestive function.

We want to begin with digestion as it is central to our health. It relates to energy, nourishment and transformation. Many cultures believe the digestion to be the root of health, and that any disease begins in the gut & an inability to digest.

This week we are looking at the pupillary zone and how it’s colouring is connected to the digestive function.

Looking at your eye or the eye of someone else, here is what the colours may indicate:

  • White: Oversensitive, overactive digestive system. Sensitive, anxious and nervous in life. 

  • Orange: Impaired production of pancreatic enzymes, which can affect how you breakdown food. It can also impact your ability to integrate and make sense of your emotions and experiences

  • Straw Yellow (which may appear bluish-green in the eye): Impaired ability to digest proteins. 

  • Brown: Problems with bile production. Too much bile can lead to diarrhoea and too little can result in constipation.
  • Yellow (may be golden, ochre or combination): Infers compromised digestive biochemistry

If you're unsure about the colouring of your eye or someone else and would like an expert opinion, take a photo of your eye and send it through to us via email or on insta and we'll send you a quick reading.
Much love,
Daylesford Apothecary xx